
Leaving cellsbutton / Heading for PlayAround10

cellsbutton#04 is over... or at least for me, and for this time. who knows when i gonna be back to wora wari. it was quite sad to leave earlier before the festival really ended, missed the day at the beach, missed the breakcore_labs.

but the next thing is already coming up, one night in singapore and a nice visit to Post-Museum, in little india, where we could a hardware/bio-hacking workshop next time, when passing through singapore. now finally heading to taipei and getting prepared for Playaround 2010 - DIWO culture

a day off from the cells...

After the busy last few days at cellsbutton#04, I took a day off and drove down to a beach near Tepus, Yogyakarta, maybe it was named Pantai Sepanjang... awesome biodiversity at the reef, millions of weirdest animals and colors, and all that completely alone with my friend u.

new GEM version of hacked mouse, thanks to Budi

After presenting the hacked optical mouse to a few people at HONF during the cellsbutton#04, Yogyakarta International Media Art Festival, I have been working with Budi aka vj manticore, from on improving the pd patch to use GEM for the visualization. Muuuuuch better now, than my earlier canvas spaghetti code, thanks a lot Budi!

With the new implementation we can now use the whole spectrum of live image processing and analysis, like openCV for motion tracking, or additional sound synthesis. hope to jam the worms soon...

download the new files here:

dusjagr is back to cellsbutton

Niiiiice, I am back to cellsbutton#04, organized by HONF... the best festival ever!

The first few days were already busy, lots of interesting workshops, parties and discussions. also i met a lot of people, both new but also good old friends. I already got some first soldering action, and tried ways to make a diy version of the diy makeaway bitbadge. sadly i got the wrong site of pcb and cant use the shim for screen printing the solder paste. but with some patience we managed to get a few going...

also had some talks and workshops about new hackteria tools, such as the hacked optical mouse and the hacked PS3 eye mounted on an old microscope stage. i worked with akbar, a young microbiologist from UGM, on it and tested the DIY3 eye microscope for use with a haemocytometer to count yeast cells, which we then presented at the workshop at UGM later.

I was also happy to finally meet Georg Tremel again, from biopresence. He got some great recent work on DIY plant tissue culture and uses it with a blue flower, which is genetically modified for aesthetic reasons. He also did a workshop at UGM and hopefully the "Moondust" will grow there soon... and we got to have him collaborating for hackteria soon!

Talk about "Hackerspaces" @ plexwerk

Today I had a talk at the Plexwerk Tagung 'transfer' in Basel, where I presented some ideas about hackerspaces between digital- and biotechnology.

the slides can be downloaded dusjagr_plexwerk_hackerspaces_draft_2

I also wanted to show this movie about design of cellular patterns...

DIWO_chip Hackteria, Bio-Inspired Arduino Clone