Archive for the 'news' Category

chillin' Bangkok

 Imported some flu from taiwan, so spent my first few days in bangkok in bed. Nice to stay at clarence place to recover. by the way clarence got married, check out their movie.....

Some impression from Taiwan

101 the tallest building in the world (maybe i'll go there soon). A Mao's place, where we live at the moment (check the huge mixer in front of the house....). Wei Li showing his newest series of photographs about Treasure Hill. The group of mentors after the playaround workshop (me, keith, aymeric, lee chun, pei, tobi, escher). Chilling at A Mao's place.


ich war heute grad bei willi zu besuch um ihm den video zurückzugeben. hab dabei grad noch ne bessere version online gestellt. Den hab ich damals zusammengeschnitten für die Staudinger-Durrer Ehrung für Willi an der ETH.

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diy makeaway am Dorkbotswiss


8-bit night


Diesen Freitag, 18. April 2008! SGMK und organisieren den Abschluss Event des 8-bit SID emulator Workshops. es hat live gameboy bands und c64 rocker. Sägezahn und Squarewaves. Freu mich euch zu sehen. bis dann